8 tips for getting in shape for your winter holiday
Whether you're a novice or a winter sports pro, its always a good idea to start preparing for your snowboarding or skiing holiday two to three months in advance.
Skiing and snowboarding really tests muscle strength and stamina so its good to get a head start, especially if you dont exercise on a regular basis. Here are some of our super top tips for getting your body mountain ready!
1. Take up Yoga and Pilates
Great for toning and strengthening muscles, these exercises target your core muscles which will massively benefit your skiing and snowboarding.
Yoga can also give you a full body workout, building up all of those smaller, but very important, stabiliser muscles that allow you to stay balanced and co-ordinated.
This kind of exercise is low-impact, which is great for anyone recovering from an injury or who has an on-going problem.
All you need to get started is a good quality yoga / pilates exercise mat. You could also buy some simple yoga equipment, such as yoga blocks, to improve your practice.
2. Get on Your Bike!
Another form of low-impact exercise is cycling and this targets your legs. Regular cycling or mountain biking will really help to minimise sore and achy legs after those first couple of days on the slopes.

3. Get a Sweat On
Regular cardio and weight sessions are good for general fitness and will help to build stamina, which is important if you're planning to spend long periods of time on the slopes.
High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a fantastic way to help build strength and increase your fitness levels. Using short, intense bursts of energy that work multiple muscle groups, HIIT training is great if you're not keen on the gym or if you're short on time.
There are tons of HIIT training videos on YouTube and Amazon Prime that can be done in the comfort of your own home and will only take between 10 and 30 minutes out of your day.
4. Be Consistent
Make sure you exercise regularly in the months before your holiday. Your muscles wont be used to the intensity of daily skiing/snowboarding so its good to prepare as best you can. Doing something every day, even if its only low intensity or for a short space of time will help you to make it a habit.
A mixture of yoga, Pilates, HIIT training, cycling or any other forms of exercise that you enjoy will keep things exciting and offer a full body workout.
If you're starting to feel strain in certain places or if you know you have weak spots, make sure you support them properly.
5. Make Time to Relax
Yes, we thought you might like this one! Making use of a hot tub or sauna (if you have access to one) will help to keep those aches and pains away!
Rest and recovery is just as important as exercise because your muscles need time to repair and grow. Pulseroll massagers and rollers are fantastic for stretching out and rejuvenating sore or tight muscles.
All Pulseroll products are portable, so you can take them away with you on your winter holiday and ensure you feel fit and healthy for the entirety of your mountain adventure.
6. Eat Well
A balanced, healthy diet that includes lots of fruit, veg, lean meat and fish will aid your efforts in keeping fit.
By eating healthily you are helping your muscles to grow and perform at their best as well as improving your energy levels and mental clarity.
7. Drink Less Alcohol
Cutting down alcohol intake is one of the key things that will aid your pre-holiday training.
Alcohol is packed with empty calories and will really dehydrate you, which does not help with muscle recovery after a tough training session.
8. Hydrate
One of the best things you can do for your body in resort is remember to drink enough water! Its important to keep in mind that a ski holiday is extremely physical and that you also become dehydrated more quickly at altitude. Therefore, its important to make sure you are drinking water regularly, for the duration of your stay. Get in the habit of drinking plenty before you go. Why not give yourself some encouragement with a new water bottle?
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